Student Nominations for Board of Governors

Shippensburg is a proud member of Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education which is overseen by the Board of Governors, a 20 member body that includes the Governor, the Secretary of education, legislators, trustees and three students among its members.  The current student members will rotate of the Board when they graduate, so the search is underway to identify their replacements.

Shippensburg University is able to nominate one student for the Board to consider when it makes appointments later this spring.  If you are interested in serving as a student member of the Board of Governors, you can learn more

If you decide to offer your name for consideration, you will need to provide the committee at Shippensburg University the following: 1) a letter of intent stating why you want to serve; 2) your resume; and 3) a copy of your unofficial transcript.

Packets are due in the Presidents office, OM 309 no later than April 5 @ 4:30 PM.  A committee made up of faculty, staff, a council of trustee member and a student will review application received and hold interviews as needed.  The committee will make a recommendation to President Carter who will then forward that nominee to the Office of the Chancellors in April.

Thank you.  Contact if you have any questions.