Deb Gochenaur organizes virtually ESTEEM, with Kim Presser, Ji Young Choi presenting

Deb Gochenaur, mathematics, has organized an online version of the ESTEEM program during spring 2021. This is a STEM career outreach program that provides workshops and enrichment activities for middle-school girls in our region. As part of this program:

  • Kim Presser (along with Math major Amy Rehnert) ran a virtual workshop as a part of the ESTEEM Spring program for approximately 25 middle school girls on Mathematical Modeling on Thursday, February 17.  ESTEEM will be providing virtual workshops across STEM for middle school audiences all Spring long.
  • Ji Young Choi ran a virtual ESTEEM workshop on March 10 with SU students Emma Barrow and Hayleigh Highlands for approximately 17 middle-school girls on Exploring Sequences.
  • Kim Presser ran a Careers in STEM webinar on Saturday, February 27 as a part of the ESTEEM Spring program.  There were four panelists for the event across Mathematics and Computer Science, including SU Math alumnus Crystal Evans (2019) who is currently working at Deloitte and SU Computer Science alumnus Jessica Burns (2012) who works at Backend Engineering.