Message from the University Bookstore: Textbook returns

Dear students and faculty,

Due to finals being scheduled the week of 5/17 – the campus bookstore is extending the textbook rental due date from 5/14 /21 to 5/21/21. Students can still return their books in person at the store or, you can ship your rentals to the store, using the shipping carrier of your choice. NOTE: Shipping is at your expense and you must make sure it is postmarked no later than 5/24.

  1. Sign in to your account using the same email address you provided at the register in-store or entered when you rented online. Note: If you don’t know your password, that’s OK – just click “Forgot Password” to reset.
  2. Once you’ve signed in, you will be navigated to the Rentals page to view your Rental Account Information and Rental History.
  3. Click “Return all Rentals by Mail” and follow the steps to print your packing slip.
  4. Print your packing slip, and include in your rental shipment. Your packing slip is crucial to include in your box – it identifies you, what you’re returning, and where to send your rentals.

If you have any questions please reach out to the store at or 717-477-1600.


Thank you,

Aaron Topper
Store Manager