Video Greetings from the President: First day of fall 2021 semester

Dear Campus Community,

Welcome to the fall 2021 semester. It’s an exciting time. And a special Ship welcome to all of our new and continuing students. I share in the joy of joining the Ship family. Though my time on campus has been brief, I have already experienced what a great campus Shippensburg University is, with superior academic programs and dedicated faculty and staff dedicated to your success. Combined with rich campus life experiences, your days will be filled with opportunities to live, learn, and grow at Ship.

It’s a 150-year tradition of excellence that we will celebrate together this year. Students, your faculty and staff have been preparing for your arrival and are eager to help you launch into a successful year. Take advantage of all the opportunities and experiences available to you. Make sure to dedicate time to your studies and engage with your professors’ research or professional pursuits.

Outside of your courses, be sure to join a club or other campus activities. I urge you to also venture off campus, explore the town, the surrounding region, and our vast outdoor opportunities. Be sure to make new friends along the way. The connections you make at Ship will form a network of life-long friends and a career network of over 70,000 active alumni. To our faculty and staff, I thank you for your dedication to our Ship students. It’s Raider Set Go time, and I wish everyone a safe and successful fall semester.


Charles E. Patterson, PhD.

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