A message from the president: President’s Cabinet to be live streamed

Dear Shippensburg University Colleagues, 

As part of my continued efforts to increase transparency and ensure the inclusion of the campus community’s voice in important institutional initiatives, I have arranged for all future meetings of the President’s Cabinet to be streamed live via Zoom. A dedicated website for the President’s Cabinet has been created with pertinent information including cabinet membership, meeting schedules, Zoom information, agendas, and meeting notes. 

Members of the President’s Cabinet will continue to meet in-person and all our Ship colleagues (non-members) may access the meeting through Zoom using their Ship credentials. The format of the meeting should allow time for meaningful interaction by members in attendance and our colleagues streaming online.

President’s Cabinet provides primary leadership support for the university’s strategic priorities and serves as a reciprocal coordinating point for inclusive communications. The Cabinet functions as an advisory body to address and assist with matters of substantial importance to the university, including but not limited to university-wide initiatives and the development and implementation of goals and assessment of initiatives. The President’s Cabinet is comprised of division vice presidents, associate vice presidents, directors, academic deans, the chair of the University Forum, the presidents of the Student Government Association and the Graduate Student Association Board, representatives from our many unions, the Shippensburg University Foundation, and other members appointed by the president.

You may submit agenda items or questions to president@ship.edu for consideration at the Monday, November 1 meeting. An agenda will typically be posted on the Wednesday prior to the meeting. 

Thank you for your active participation and continued support of Shippensburg University and our students.



Charles E. Patterson PhD | Interim President

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania

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