A message from the SU COVID Office: Travel Recommendations

Travel Recommendations

Last month, the CDC updated their guidelines regarding the use of masks and implemented COVID-19 Community Levels. These guidelines do not change current travel requirements. Masking is still required on public transportation, and indoors in all U.S. transportation hubs.

Students, faculty, and staff must adhere to masking guidelines when traveling to high-risk areas outside of Cumberland County. Please refer to the COVID-19 Community Levels for updated information on counties across the U.S.

Individuals returning from travel are encouraged to continue masking and test upon their return to campus.

Do not travel if:

  • You are sick, or have symptoms of COVID-19, even if you are vaccinated.
  • You tested positive for COVID-19.
    • Do not travel until 10 days after the first symptoms appeared, or the date you tested positive.
  • You are awaiting the results of a COVID-19 test.
  • You have been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 and it was recommended you quarantine.
    • If you must travel during days 6 through 10 after your last exposure:
      • Get tested at least 5 days after your last close contact.
      • Wear a well-fitting mask at all times when you are around others for the entire duration of travel during days 6 through 10.

COVID-19 test kits are available by request for university-sponsored travel. Please contact the Shippensburg University COVID Office at (717)477-1007, or by e-mail covid19@ship.edu for more information.

Thank you,

The COVID Office