Contribute to ” A Quilt to Cover Us All”

ACT (Ask. Communicate. Teach Tolerance), a student coalition out of the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA), invites the campus community to contribute to “A Quilt to Cover Us All.” Individuals and groups can submit panels to be included in the quilt that gives individuals and groups a platform for expression. The quilt highlights our unique differences and our commonalities.

Panels for the quilt should be 25×25 inches and can include a phrase, slogan, picture, design or symbol that illustrate your perspective on the theme “Hate Has No Home Here.” Fabric can be found at Walmart, JoAnne Fabrics or Hobby Lobby. Contact MSA ( if you have trouble acquiring fabric. Templates are also available through MSA.

Submissions are due by September 20 and the quilt will be revealed on September 30.

The ACT Committee stands solidarity against oppression and social injustice in any form. The committee works to create a spirit of unity and a cry for justice at Shippensburg University.