Amber Norwood supports undergraduate and graduate students on several research projects

Dr. Amber Norwood

—-undergraduate student under my direction, Myah Chapman, was awarded a Summer Undergraduate Research Experience grant and used this time to work on a mental health literacy project re: OCD and undergraduate students

—I accompanied a number of undergrad students, grad students, and alum to the 2022 Eastern Psychological Association Conference in New York, NY. Here are the citations. * = undergraduate student, ** = graduate student

*Rodriguez, L.M., *Chapman, M., & Norwood, A.E.Q. (2022). Undergraduate alcohol use perceptions

experiment. Poster presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. New York City, New York.

*Lyons, J., **Barber, K., *Heister, A., Norwood, A.E.Q., Hatvany, T.C., & Griffith, J.D. (2022).

Literary output of psychology faculty: Examining scholastic publications outside of peer-reviewed journals. Poster presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. New York City, New York.

**Barber, K., *Lyons, J., *Heister, A., Norwood, A.E.Q., Hatvany, T., & Griffith, J. (2022).

Grant funding in academic psychology. Poster presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. New York City, New York.

Norwood, A.E.Q., *Peterson, S., *Schuchardt, K., & *Heister, A. (2022). Depressive disorder diagnostic

& treatment process among undergraduate students. Poster presented at the 2022 annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association. New York City, New York.