Ship Dining Services With a Smile

This was first published in the SU Magazine.  For 26 years Tammy Garrett has been a familiar face with Shippensburg University’s Dining Services. But for so many, she’s also an unexpected support system, a source of encouragement, and unforgettable point of connection in the Shippensburg University community. She was happy to share her Ship story…

Reaching Out in Santo Domingo

LeaderSHIP Flashback to 2009 when Wood Honors College Director Dr. Kim Klein wanted to implement an experiential and progressive learning project to achieve real objectives and gain a deeper understanding of global community. The service-learning project would be part of the Honors Colloquium and had to be international, interdisciplinary, and sustainable. Her students performed research…

New Teacher Jessica Carter Makes Room for Her Passion

Jessica Carter moved back to Mercersburg, Pennsylvania when her husband completed his service in the United States Air Force. She was working at a credit union, but knew that it wasn’t her passion. Then, Jessica was offered a paraprofessional position at her child’s elementary school, and it lit a fire in her belly. That’s when…

Business Leader Slenker Graduates Summa Cum Laude

If you don’t know Chase Slenker, there’s a good chance you’ve been captured by pirates. Donned in a red and blue suit, Chase could be seen anywhere on campus on any given day. Involved in many programs, he knew the holistic experience of college would be critical to success in the real world. He was…

Passion for Helping Drives Social Work Graduate Rozlynne Dealy

Social workers are committed to making a difference in the lives of others. They are dedicated to promoting social change and improving the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Rozlynne knew she had a passion for helping people when she was a teenager. In high school, she fell in love with her sociology class. While…

Scott Bucher Engineers His Career in NYC

Shippensburg University’s software engineering program offers many unique opportunities that set it apart from other programs in Pennsylvania. Our ABET-accredited engineering courses are ranked among the top 20 in the nation according to’s 2021 Best Bachelor’s Degrees in Software Engineering list. By working as actual software engineers during their time at Ship, guided by the…

Political Science Graduate Vincent Wijaya Heads to Law School

The study of political science teaches us that change is possible, that progress is achievable, and that justice can be won. As a 2023 Shippensburg University graduate, Vincent makes these ideals a reality. Ship’s political science program offers unique features that set it apart from other universities. One of the standout features of the program…

Chemistry Students Travel to Indianapolis for National Meeting of the American Chemical Society

The National Meeting of the American Chemical Society is one of the most important events in the field of chemistry in the US. It’s held twice a year and brings together thousands of chemists, scientists, researchers, educators, and students from all over the world to share their latest research findings, innovations, and discoveries. Shippensburg University…

Heather Sahli, Biology, Chairs Statewide Vascular Plants Technical Committee

Dr. Sahli chaired the statewide Vascular Plants Technical Committee for four years. This committee is a subcommittee of the Pennsylvania Biological Survey and plays an advisory role in helping DCNR identify plant species that have a risk of extirpation from the state of Pennsylvania. For More:–standing/vascular-plants-technical/vptc-members.html