US News & World report ranks Ship MBA Online among the best

Shippensburg University’s online MBA program recently received a major boost in the published ratings by U.S. News & World Report. The popular graduate program from the John L. Grove College of Business is now ranked No. 1 for faculty qualification among the 14 State System universities in the U.S. News & World Report 2020 MBA Ranking. Overall, the program is ranked 161 in the nation among MBA programs.

“The quality of faculty and faculty credentials is of critical value to students who join our online MBA program,” said Dr. John Kooti, dean of the college. “Our faculty is uniquely qualified to teach graduate courses online. Many students who enroll in online MBA are already working professionals who seek an additional graduate degree to enhance chances of job promotion, salary increases, etc. Having the support of qualified faculty who are able to meet these student demands is of high value, and we are happy to announce that we are meeting the criterion head on.”

Peer reviews of the program show its reputation ranks higher than those at other State System schools. According to the U.S. News ranking, “A survey of high-ranking academic officials at MBA programs helps account for intangible factors affecting program quality that statistics do not capture. Also, employers may hold in high regard MBAs earned from programs that academics respect.”

Kooti said they are working to improve identified areas in the program, since online students are served differently from those on campus. Distance learning this spring will help faculty use tools such as Zoom to connect more students in online programs.

According to the U.S. News ranking, “Quality online MBA programs promote participation in courses, allowing students opportunities to readily interact with their instructors and classmates, as is possible in a campus-based setting. In turn, instructors are not only accessible and responsive, but they are also tasked with helping to create an experience rewarding enough that students stay enrolled and complete their degrees in a reasonable amount of time.”

Dr. Kooti and his team couldn’t agree more. “We conduct internal surveys every year for program assessment, and these allow us to identify and work on those areas within the program that are facing challenges or have scope for further improvement,” he noted.

The graduate program also has received the prestigious Princeton Review badge. Listed among the top 248 nationally ranked programs, the program meets the criteria as an AASCB accreditation and public university. The top ranking among 850 such programs is a prestigious honor for the college and illustrates the Raider Way of quality and excellence through Ship’s MBA program.

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