Student research presentation schedule for Minds@Work

Minds@Work Conference
Celebrating Student Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities

Tuesday 4/21 at 2:00 Practical Experience in Investments—IMP

  • Students will talk about their experience with the Investment Management Program (IMP), designed to help students integrate theory with practice in investments and to provide a unique hands-on educational experience for portfolio management. Students have full discretion over the management of a real dollar portfolio (aka, Wisman Fund) by making all the decisions involving its management.
    Faculty moderator: Dr. Hong Rim
    Student presenters: Jack Cornely, Sean Fox, Tyler Hahn, John Morey, Hannah Hunt, Nicolas Seymour, Cedric Adams, Morgan Kowalski, Madison Eutzy, Andrew Butz
    Zoom link:

Wednesday 4/22 at 2:00 Honors Symposium, Part 1

  • Three senior honor students will present their capstone projects.
    Faculty moderator: Dr. Alison Dagnes
    Student presenters:

    • Rachael Rudis, History/Secondary Education Major, “Founding American Diplomacy: Balance, Precedent, and Transcendence in John and Sarah Livingston Jay’s Mission to Spain, 1779-1782”
    • Katharine Sweigart, Communication Journalism Major, “Punditry vs. News: How Fox News Programming Shapes Americans’ Truth”
    • Thomas Fisher, Psychology and Political Science Major, “Impact of the Workplace Environment on Peer and Non-Peer Mental Health Providers”
      Zoom link:

Wednesday 4/22 at 3:30 Honors Symposium, Part 2

  • Three senior honor students will present their capstone projects.
    Faculty moderator: Dr. Kim Klein
    Student presenters:

    • Amanda Barrett, Psychology Major, “Examining Emotion Regulation and Peer Relationships as Mediators between Parent-Child Attachment and Adolescent Romantic Relationships”
    • Veronica Ponti, English/Secondary Education Major, “Teaching Argumentative Writing in the ELA Classroom”
    • Margaret Dunkelberger, Geoenvironmental Studies Major, “Analysis of Loblolly Pine (PINUS TAEDA) Tree Ring and Climate Records of Assateague Island and Chincoteague Bay Region, Virginia”
      Zoom link:

Thursday 4/23 at 3:30 Undergraduate Research Projects in Chemistry

  • This symposium will focus on the research projects performed by undergraduate chemistry majors. Research projects will include topics from the disciplines of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry.
    Faculty moderators: Dr. Allison Predecki, Dr. Robin McCann
    Student presenters: Andrew Aumen, Sean Braet, David Helm, Dijana Katic, Nathaniel Liberator, John Markey, Sarah Nagy
    Zoom link:

Thursday 4/23 at 3:30 Mathematics Student Research Presentations

  • This session will feature ten-minute presentations by mathematics students from independent research, field experiences, or course projects.
    Faculty moderators: Dr. Ji Young Choi, Dr. Doug Ensley
    Student presenters:
    • Ethan Clever, “Head for the Exits! Using Plickers for Exit Ticket Assessments in Our Math Classrooms”
    • Margaret Dunkelberger, “Analysis of Loblolly Pine (Pinus teada) Tree Ring and Climate Records of Assateague Island and Chincoteague Bay Region, Virginia”
    • Jacob Smith, “An Exploration Of Divisibility”
    • Michael Mitchell, “Singular value decomposition and graphics compression”
    • Gianna Sigado, “Manipulating images as matrices with MATLAB”
    • Jorge Medina, “Using linear algebra to compare players in the English Premier League”
    Zoom link:

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