Effort outside the classroom sets Michael Permyashkin apart

Lewisburg native Michael Permyashkin wanted a school where he could grow that also provided the familiarity of home.

Ship was it.

Permyashkin is a member of Shippensburg University’s class of 2021. He is in the Software Engineering, B.S. program.

“I am so thankful that it was Shippensburg that I chose. I have been able to find my way to a major I knew nothing about, join clubs that opened doors to interests I had never uncovered and met people who have changed my life forever. Shippensburg was exactly where I needed to be when I had no direction and wanted to grow,” Permyashkin said.

As president of the Programming Team, Permyashkin has the opportunity to put what he has learned in the classroom to use by participating in programming competitions.

“As a student in the School of Engineering at Shippensburg, you will find that what will set you apart is your effort outside of the classroom. Students will all take similar courses at a similar pace. Leaving your education confined to the classroom will make it difficult to stand apart. The School of Engineering offers copious opportunities to continue learning through clubs, extracurricular involvements, campus projects, professors and internship opportunities,” Permyashkin said.

At the end of his sophomore year, Permyashkin had the opportunity to begin an ongoing internship with Cinteot Inc. in Chambersburg. He works as a project lead and developer. He says he feels prepared for roles like this because his professors stress the importance of mastering fundamentals that are applicable to any technology.

“Communicating with faculty is something that I quickly learned was emphasized over and over for good reason,” Permyashkin said. “My professors have gone above and beyond to make sure that I have everything that I need to succeed in and out of the classroom.”

Permyashkin also serves on the leadership team for DiscipleMakers Christian Fellowship.

Read more stories from the Class of 2021.

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