Joseph D’Ambrosio, a junior political science major at Shippensburg University and a governmental affairs intern for the Pennsylvania Municipal League, shared his passion for political science and government advocacy. 

D’Ambrosio’s has always had a natural interest in political science and its relation to history and law. He was drawn to Ship political science program because of the great professors who have served as political and public service figures and he appreciated the university’s intimate campus, allowing him to build connections with professors versus remaining just another name. 

Dr. Michael E. Greenberg, associate professor in the political science department, helped connect D’Ambrosio to various internship opportunities. After interviewing with The PA Municipal League and meeting with Amy Sturges, the deputy executive director of advocacy and Kaitlin Errickson, the governmental affairs manager, D’Ambrosio knew that the internship aligned perfectly with his drive to empower local governments. 

The internship entailed crafting bill summaries and providing sample advice letters to constituents. During D’Ambrosio’s time with the PA Municipal League, he published a state-wide article, Municipal Governments and Cybersecurity (pages 34-36). He interviewed public service figures across different municipalities, including David Pribulka, the Susquehanna Township Manager.  D’Ambrosio’s article highlighted the importance of cybersecurity programs across all levels of government, including but not limited to cities, townships and boroughs for matching grants. He emphasized how within the next two years, Governor Shapiro plans to allocate funds and cybersecurity programs across lower levels of government.

Expanding upon D’Ambrosio’s enthusiasm for political science, he has been the president of the political science club at Ship since September 2023. In this position, he runs meetings, facilitates events and creates an open dialogue where individuals with diverse political perspectives can come together.

Moving forward, D’Ambrosio plans to continue to dedicate himself to government advocacy. He is currently enrolled in Ship’s “4 +1” program and is on track to his master’s in public administration. D’Ambrosio’s dedication to becoming a noteworthy public service figure and his academic success sets the tone for what Ship is all about, which is developing students into promising professionals who will make a difference in the world.