A Message from Human Resources: Drug-free campus policy

To members of the Shippensburg University Community,

This email is an annual notification to the Shippensburg University Community regarding Drug-Free Campus policy.  

Drug-Free Campus Policy

As required by the federal ‘Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988,’ the State System of Higher Education (including Shippensburg University) hereby declares as its policy that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited at any workplace under the authority of the Board of Governors.  Any employee violating the policy will be referred to the Commonwealth’s employee assistance program and/or disciplined, in an appropriate manner, up to and including termination.  Discipline, when appropriate, shall be taken under relevant provisions of collective bargaining agreements, Civil Service Policy, or other personnel policies adopted by the Board of Governors.”  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Substance Abuse Policy and Drug Free Workplace Act also prohibits the inappropriate use of alcohol or other controlled drugs while on duty or in any Commonwealth workplace by employees, visitors, or students. 

In addition to the above, the University’s policy is amended consistent with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 to include students with the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of alcohol.  Violators will be subject to the panoply of legal actions.

Additional information regarding the above policy is available on this link – Drug-Free Campus Policy.

All questions should be directed to the Human Resources Department: hr@ship.edu