Hello Campus Community,
As October’s cooler weather ushers in festivities (Homecoming, Halloween, Fall Break, Thanksgiving, etc.) that traditionally that bring people together, let us all remain vigilant in practicing caution and limiting COVID-19 exposure!
Masking and vaccination continue to be the most effective tactics for minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Please keep wearing your mask and if you haven’t yet, get vaccinated. Vaccinated members of the community are less likely to get sick and have less disruption in life on campus (class, work, activities) if exposed to someone who tests positive for COVID-19, reducing your time in quarantine by at least 7 days. Check out our Vax Facts.
Sign up for the October 14 on campus clinic.
Please submit your proof of vaccination online or by submitting directly to Etter Health Center.
See our Raider Respect website and dashboard for the latest COVID updates for our campus community. The website is currently updated Mondays and Thursdays.
1. The R3 Testing Center is located in room 121 of the CUB Building. It is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. It will be closed on Columbus Day, Monday, October 11th.
2. Schedule appointments conveniently online or by calling 717-477-7333.
3. The R3 Testing center has expanded the number of tests per hour to accommodate demand.
4. Testing is a supplement to our current mitigation protocols including masking and social distancing.
5. For questions about the R3 Testing Center, please contact rapidtest@ship.edu or call x7333.
Students experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please call x1458 to set up an appointment with Etter Health Center. Students can also notify the COVID Office that they are experiencing symptoms and have gotten a test off campus. The COVID Office will then notify faculty about an excused absence for that day.
Employees experiencing symptoms, please stay away from campus, consult your health provider and review with your supervisor and Human Resources as necessary.
Please remember that face masks are required indoors. These should be tight-fitting face masks, not face-coverings like bandanas or neck gaiters. When outdoors, we ask non-vaccinated individuals to wear masks when they cannot maintain 6 feet of social distance. If you forget your mask, disposable masks are available throughout campus. You can find masks at the CUB info desk, The front desk at ShipRec, Reisner, Lehman Library front desk, and the COVID Office in Old Main (Just to name a few!).
How to Properly Wear a Mask
· The mask should fit snugly around the mouth and nose. If the mask has a metal wire, it should be fitted snugly to the bridge of the nose.
· Avoid touching the mask while wearing it. If you need to touch or adjust your mask, please remember to clean your hands prior to doing so.
· Cloth masks should be washed frequently.
Thank you and have a great weekend,
SU COVID Office Staff