A message from the Provost: Retirement announcement

Good afternoon faculty and staff:

I am writing to share the news of my plans to retire this summer. This was not an easy decision for me, but there comes a time when one must step back, take stock of the things accomplished, and look to new and different life opportunities.

I simply love what I do and have had the wonderful opportunity to work with incredible colleagues and remarkable institutions over my 43 years of service in education. As with other institutions on my resume, Shippensburg University has been good to me and I leave with fond memories of the faculty, staff, students, and administrators I have been lucky enough to work with along the way.

President Patterson has made it clear I am welcomed to remain in my leadership position, but has graciously accepted my plans to set off into this new adventure they call retirement. He will share in a later correspondence next steps as I transition out, but we still have a semester of work to do together before I officially depart on June 30, 2022.

Thank you for all that you do for our students and Shippensburg University.


Dr. Tom Ormond

Senior Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost