Winter 2021 undergraduate degree recipients announced

Shippensburg University is pleased to announce the winter 2021 undergraduate graduation list. These students join the ranks of Ship’s 70,000 strong alumni network throughout the world. Congratulations to the Class of 2021!

Searchable listing

First NameLast NameDegreeCityState
AbdiAbdiBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminCamp HillPA
SawaAlabsiBachelor of ScienceHarrisburgPA
MadisonAlbrightBachelor of ArtsMount Holly SpringsPA
AbdulkarimAljuwaihirBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminDhahranFR
MadisonAllenBachelor of Sci in EducationEmmausPA
MohammedAlmussalamBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminMechanicsburgPA
SydneyAl-OlollaBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminCarlislePA
VanishAminBachelor of ScienceMechanicsburgPA
DrewAndersonBachelor of ArtsWhite PlainsMD
CaitlinBagnickBachelor of ScienceSterlingPA
DavidBalintBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminLake ArielPA
ThomasBarnhartBachelor of ScienceChambersburgPA
DeborahBatesBachelor of ArtsHavertownPA
JacquelineBatesBachelor of Sci in EducationHavertownPA
DerekBeckerBachelor of Sci in EducationMartinsburgPA
CaseyBellBachelor of Sci in EducationAvondalePA
HaleyBennettBachelor of ArtsJohnstownPA
JaredBerkheimerBachelor of ScienceHanoverPA
MadisonBillsBachelor of Sci in EducationMechanicsburgPA
IsabellaBooneBachelor of ScienceHagerstownMD
VerrolBooneBachelor of ArtsChambersburgPA
RachelBoopBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminNew ColumbiaPA
ConnorBoramBachelor of ArtsGettysburgPA
TimothyBoyumBachelor of ScienceShippensburgPA
MeliseBradleyBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
ColbyBradshawBachelor of ArtsMercersburgPA
AnnaBramblettBachelor of ScienceHatfieldPA
NaschiaBrice-BlackwellBachelor of ScienceUpper DarbyPA
JadenBrownBachelor of ArtsEnolaPA
LillyBrownBachelor of Sci in EducationMifflintownPA
RebeccaBuehlerBachelor of Sci in EducationHavertownPA
ElizabethBuniskiBachelor of Sci in EducationReadingPA
RyannBurdBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminMechanicsburgPA
GarrisonByusBachelor of ScienceCarlislePA
AzjuanaCarter-JonesBachelor of ArtsPhiladelphiaPA
RueCaseBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminGreencastlePA
AshleyCastilloBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminYorkPA
KateCastilloBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminYorkPA
StevieCochranBachelor of Sci in EducationBeaver FallsPA
BryannaConwayBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminGreencastlePA
JacobCoxBachelor of ScienceShippensburgPA
RyanCrookBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminKeedysvilleMD
AbigailCrosbyBachelor of Sci in EducationStewartstownPA
DevinCrosbyBachelor of ArtsPhiladelphiaPA
RylieCulbertsonBachelor of Sci in EducationChambersburgPA
VeronikaD'AmoreBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminAmblerPA
EmilyDavidsonBachelor of Sci in EducationMechanicsburgPA
MadeleineDavisBachelor of ScienceCarlislePA
MorganDeCrayBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminShippensburgPA
SarinaDeLandBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminWilliamsportPA
ShannenDeLaurentisBachelor of Sci in EducationHuntingdon ValleyPA
AllyD'ErcoleBachelor of Sci in EducationLancasterPA
ArnettDorseyBachelor of ScienceNew MarketMD
NathanielDunbarBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminChalfontPA
BryceEckenrodeBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminChambersburgPA
JessecaEdwardsBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminWaynesboroPA
GriffinEshelmanBachelor of ArtsElliottsburgPA
AnthonyEstepBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminEmmausPA
KyleEvansBachelor of ScienceOdentonMD
KaylaFeeneyBachelor of ArtsFrederickMD
RyanFerreeBachelor of ScienceNewvillePA
MeganFieldsBachelor of Sci in EducationLebanonPA
GeoffreyFinchBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminChambersburgPA
BrianneFleckBachelor of Sci in EducationThree SpringsPA
KaceyFordBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminCarlislePA
FrancescaFortiBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
JeremyFreeburgBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminBethlehemPA
BenjaminFreemanBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminGreencastlePA
ZacheryFritzBachelor of ScienceChambersburgPA
JustinFullerBachelor of ScienceDuncannonPA
TylerFultonBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminMt Holly SpgsPA
ZamyaGallonBachelor of ArtsYorkPA
ElizabethGebhartBachelor of Sci in EducationBiglervillePA
VanessaGeedyBachelor of ArtsChambersburgPA
TirrellGeorgeBachelor of ArtsAlbrightsvillePA
WilliamGerhartBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminChambersburgPA
NicoleGestBachelor of Sci in EducationWilliamsportMD
AlissaGeyerBachelor of ScienceReadingPA
AshleyGladfelterBachelor of ArtsGettysburgPA
KealeyGlassBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
BrittanyGreavesBachelor of ArtsCarlislePA
DylanGroshensBachelor of ScienceCarlislePA
EmilyHangenBachelor of Sci in EducationReadingPA
MaryHardyBachelor of Social WorkMiddletownPA
DelilahHarneBachelor of ScienceCavetownMD
AshtonHarrymanBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
DorisHartungBachelor of ScienceMagnoliaDE
SamanthaHarveyBachelor of ArtsCarlislePA
BaileyHendricksBachelor of Sci in EducationSoleburyPA
MeganHeriganBachelor of Social WorkDauphinPA
TaylorHillBachelor of Sci in EducationJonestownPA
JeremiahHillmanBachelor of ScienceFairfieldPA
RyanHippenstielBachelor of ScienceDanvillePA
SarahHoffeditzBachelor of ArtsMercersburgPA
JohnHollandBachelor of ArtsReadingPA
LeahHutchinsonBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminYorkPA
BenjaminHymanBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminSeven ValleysPA
ZackaryIsenhourBachelor of ScienceHalifaxPA
JaredJacobsBachelor of Sci in EducationSouth WilliamsportPA
AliciaJacobyBachelor of Sci in EducationMcSherrystownPA
HyejiJangBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminChambersburgPA
DelaneyJeanBachelor of Sci in EducationWilliamsportPA
DrewJonesBachelor of ArtsPhiladelphiaPA
EmilyJonesBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminWest ChesterPA
BethanyJordanBachelor of Sci in EducationHagerstownMD
PatrickJoynerBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminGambrillsMD
KaetlynKalbfellBachelor of Sci in EducationAllentownPA
GregoryKambakisBachelor of ScienceBlandonPA
JacobKaplanBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminLancasterPA
AlexKapresBachelor of ArtsMarsPA
JordanKeeferBachelor of ArtsMcConnellsburgPA
YohanKimBachelor of Sci in EducationMungyeong-siFR
HunterKleinBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminWhitehallPA
OliviaKlineBachelor of Sci in EducationGreencastlePA
CameronKrasleyBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminChester SpringsPA
TylerKuhnBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminCarlislePA
KevinKyminghamBachelor of ScienceGlenwoodMD
KaylaLaceyBachelor of Sci in EducationHanoverPA
CindyLacyBachelor of ScienceCarlislePA
RichardLandisBachelor of ArtsChambersburgPA
RyanLeidBachelor of ScienceStevensPA
ChandlerLewisBachelor of ArtsHarrisburgPA
AbigailLongBachelor of ArtsMechanicsburgPA
TristynLoweBachelor of ScienceChambersburgPA
JohnLyonsBachelor of ArtsHarrisburgPA
MichaelLysiakBachelor of Sci in EducationChambersburgPA
JenaMacdonaldBachelor of Social WorkFrederickMD
KylaMadaraBachelor of Sci in EducationPaxinosPA
VictoriaMadrakBachelor of ArtsEnolaPA
GavinMalampyBachelor of ArtsDuryeaPA
CorbinMartinBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminGambrillsMD
JustinMayerskyBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminMiddletownPA
ShannonMcConnellBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminShippensburgPA
TaraMcConnellBachelor of Sci in EducationGreencastlePA
KaevonMcCurryBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminHarrisburgPA
ShaneMcNallyBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminEast NorritonPA
MelindaMcNamaraBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminBrandywineMD
SamuelMeadeBachelor of ArtsEphrataPA
AllisonMelkaBachelor of ScienceBaltimoreMD
AbigailMetcalfeBachelor of ArtsBig Cove TannPA
BellaMichenerBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
NatalieMillerBachelor of ArtsCarlislePA
ShaquilleMitchellBachelor of ScienceStroudsburgPA
KathleenMontelloBachelor of ArtsChambersburgPA
IsaiahMurrayBachelor of ArtsPhiladelphiaPA
BrycenMussinaBachelor of ScienceMuncyPA
CodyNelsonBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminWellsvillePA
KentuckyNelsonBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminDillsburgPA
MorganNonnemacherBachelor of ScienceCarlislePA
RyanNychBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
EdwardOdhiamboBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminChambersburgPA
YukaOnyaBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminBowieMD
AlideeqOsmanBachelor of Social WorkMechanicsburgPA
MohamedOsmanBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminMechanicsburgPA
KelciOwingsBachelor of ScienceHarrisburgPA
Trey-AnthonyPaulBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminHarrisburgPA
MaggiePeifferBachelor of ScienceWaynesboroPA
JaredPellegrinoBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminShippensburgPA
NicolePeploeBachelor of Sci in EducationNorthamptonPA
DaltonPetersonBachelor of ScienceMercersburgPA
ShannonPetersonBachelor of ArtsMercersburgPA
MarissaPlowsBachelor of Sci in EducationNazarethPA
ElisabethPointsBachelor of ScienceSpringfieldVA
AnnaPotterfieldBachelor of ArtsClear SpringMD
NicolePottsBachelor of ArtsCarlislePA
RaelynPredixBachelor of ArtsEnolaPA
ClairePurselBachelor of Sci in EducationLenhartsvillePA
JocelynRaineyBachelor of Social WorkCarlislePA
DynestyRankinsBachelor of ScienceHarrisburgPA
AbigailRappBachelor of Sci in EducationAllentownPA
AnthonyRapposelliBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminLevittownPA
OliviaReamBachelor of Social WorkChampionPA
AmyRehnertBachelor of ScienceBethlehemPA
CatearaReidBachelor of Social WorkPhiladelphiaPA
KierraRiceBachelor of ArtsWaynesboroPA
KaraRickenbachBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminShippensburgPA
JesseRileyBachelor of ScienceShippensburgPA
AllisonRippeonBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminShippensburgPA
HeatherRossBachelor of ArtsFayettevillePA
BryanRottkampBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminLititzPA
CadeRushBachelor of ScienceCarlislePA
JoshuaRussoBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminAltoonaPA
KiaraSaburBachelor of ArtsPhiladelphiaPA
AlysonSanchezBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminFuquay VarinaNC
NicholasScaricaciottoliBachelor of ScienceGreencastlePA
JennaSchellerBachelor of Sci in EducationEffortPA
WilliamSchulBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminGilbertsvillePA
KatelynSeipBachelor of Sci in EducationNazarethPA
LynseyShankBachelor of Social WorkWaynesboroPA
KirstenSheederBachelor of Sci in EducationToddPA
NathanielSheederBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminOrrstownPA
HaileySheflerBachelor of ScienceHarveys LakePA
CooperShireyBachelor of ScienceMechanicsburgPA
DomenickSlevaBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminMc Kees RocksPA
JamesSmetzerBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
JarodSmithBachelor of ScienceYorkPA
BryantSnyderBachelor of ArtsReadingPA
SamanthaSodoraBachelor of Sci in EducationDingmans FerryPA
AmandaSollenbergerBachelor of Social WorkChambersburgPA
NicholasSonesBachelor of ArtsMechanicsburgPA
HamadouSouleyBachelor of ScienceSteeltonPA
MelindaSpiroBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminWarringtonPA
NoahSteinfeldtBachelor of Social WorkGreencastlePA
ColbyStifflerBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminMiddletownPA
SarahStrohmBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
CourtneySykesBachelor of Sci in EducationHuntingdon ValleyPA
SamanthaSzajnukBachelor of ArtsHarrisburgPA
NicholasTarabrellaBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminIrwinPA
MeryemTayouneBachelor of ArtsHarrisburgPA
JackelinTelloBachelor of ArtsPhiladelphiaPA
LiamTenczaBachelor of ArtsMechanicsburgPA
ZacharyThomasBachelor of Sci in EducationLancasterPA
CameronTinnerBachelor of Sci in EducationShippensburgPA
MatthewTorbertBachelor of Sci in EducationSeafordDE
GregoryTremblayBachelor of ArtsCarlislePA
BrandinTrippedaBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminEastonPA
MariaTroutmanBachelor of ArtsHarrisburgPA
VeronicaTucciBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminBrookhavenPA
EmilyVassalloBachelor of ScienceDouglassvillePA
NicoleVerkhovBachelor of ScienceDowningtownPA
PervezVirmaniBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminCarlisle PA
CharlotteViscontiBachelor of ScienceHonesdalePA
SierraWalkerBachelor of ScienceChambursburgPA
KaylaWatermanBachelor of Sci in EducationGlen AllenVA
ShaelynWawroBachelor of ScienceWarfordsburgPA
AllesynWesnerBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminAllentownPA
AlexanderWhitsellBachelor of ScienceCarlislePA
BradleyWilliamsBachelor of SciencePottsvillePA
JasmynWilliamsBachelor of Social WorkChambersburgPA
ZarriaWilliamsBachelor of ScienceMount LaurelNJ
RachelWilligBachelor of Sci in EducationBethel ParkPA
JailahWilsonBachelor of ArtsOrangeNJ
JosiahWilsonBachelor of ArtsShippensburgPA
KellyWilsonBachelor of Sci in EducationNewvillePA
MeganWindallBachelor of SciencePoolesvilleMD
AlexisWolfeBachelor of Sci in EducationShippensburgPA
TaylorWoodwardBachelor of Sci in EducationThree SpringsPA
DeannaYarrishBachelor of Sci in EducationCochranvillePA
PeterYounan AttiaBachelor of Sci in Bus AdminLancasterPA
TylerYoussefBachelor of ScienceAllentownPA
JoshuaZacherBachelor of Sci in EducationLivingstonNJ
JordonZeiglerBachelor of ScienceWillow HillPA
RaeZieglerBachelor of ArtsNew BloomfieldPA
RileyZimmermanBachelor of Sci in EducationHarrisburgPA

Full listing

Abdi Abdi Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Camp Hill PA
Sawa Alabsi Bachelor of Science Harrisburg PA
Madison Albright Bachelor of Arts Mount Holly Springs PA
Abdulkarim Aljuwaihir Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Dhahran FR
Madison Allen Bachelor of Sci in Education Emmaus PA
Mohammed Almussalam Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Mechanicsburg PA
Sydney Al-Ololla Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Carlisle PA
Vanish Amin Bachelor of Science Mechanicsburg PA
Drew Anderson Bachelor of Arts White Plains MD
Caitlin Bagnick Bachelor of Science Sterling PA
David Balint Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Lake Ariel PA
Thomas Barnhart Bachelor of Science Chambersburg PA
Deborah Bates Bachelor of Arts Havertown PA
Jacqueline Bates Bachelor of Sci in Education Havertown PA
Derek Becker Bachelor of Sci in Education Martinsburg PA
Casey Bell Bachelor of Sci in Education Avondale PA
Haley Bennett Bachelor of Arts Johnstown PA
Jared Berkheimer Bachelor of Science Hanover PA
Madison Bills Bachelor of Sci in Education Mechanicsburg PA
Isabella Boone Bachelor of Science Hagerstown MD
Verrol Boone Bachelor of Arts Chambersburg PA
Rachel Boop Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin New Columbia PA
Connor Boram Bachelor of Arts Gettysburg PA
Timothy Boyum Bachelor of Science Shippensburg PA
Melise Bradley Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Colby Bradshaw Bachelor of Arts Mercersburg PA
Anna Bramblett Bachelor of Science Hatfield PA
Naschia Brice-Blackwell Bachelor of Science Upper Darby PA
Jaden Brown Bachelor of Arts Enola PA
Lilly Brown Bachelor of Sci in Education Mifflintown PA
Rebecca Buehler Bachelor of Sci in Education Havertown PA
Elizabeth Buniski Bachelor of Sci in Education Reading PA
Ryann Burd Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Mechanicsburg PA
Garrison Byus Bachelor of Science Carlisle PA
Azjuana Carter-Jones Bachelor of Arts Philadelphia PA
Rue Case Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Greencastle PA
Ashley Castillo Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin York PA
Kate Castillo Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin York PA
Stevie Cochran Bachelor of Sci in Education Beaver Falls PA
Bryanna Conway Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Greencastle PA
Jacob Cox Bachelor of Science Shippensburg PA
Ryan Crook Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Keedysville MD
Abigail Crosby Bachelor of Sci in Education Stewartstown PA
Devin Crosby Bachelor of Arts Philadelphia PA
Rylie Culbertson Bachelor of Sci in Education Chambersburg PA
Veronika D’Amore Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Ambler PA
Emily Davidson Bachelor of Sci in Education Mechanicsburg PA
Madeleine Davis Bachelor of Science Carlisle PA
Morgan DeCray Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Shippensburg PA
Sarina DeLand Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Williamsport PA
Shannen DeLaurentis Bachelor of Sci in Education Huntingdon Valley PA
Ally D’Ercole Bachelor of Sci in Education Lancaster PA
Arnett Dorsey Bachelor of Science New Market MD
Nathaniel Dunbar Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Chalfont PA
Bryce Eckenrode Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Chambersburg PA
Jesseca Edwards Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Waynesboro PA
Griffin Eshelman Bachelor of Arts Elliottsburg PA
Anthony Estep Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Emmaus PA
Kyle Evans Bachelor of Science Odenton MD
Kayla Feeney Bachelor of Arts Frederick MD
Ryan Ferree Bachelor of Science Newville PA
Megan Fields Bachelor of Sci in Education Lebanon PA
Geoffrey Finch Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Chambersburg PA
Brianne Fleck Bachelor of Sci in Education Three Springs PA
Kacey Ford Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Carlisle PA
Francesca Forti Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Jeremy Freeburg Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Bethlehem PA
Benjamin Freeman Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Greencastle PA
Zachery Fritz Bachelor of Science Chambersburg PA
Justin Fuller Bachelor of Science Duncannon PA
Tyler Fulton Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Mt Holly Spgs PA
Zamya Gallon Bachelor of Arts York PA
Elizabeth Gebhart Bachelor of Sci in Education Biglerville PA
Vanessa Geedy Bachelor of Arts Chambersburg PA
Tirrell George Bachelor of Arts Albrightsville PA
William Gerhart Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Chambersburg PA
Nicole Gest Bachelor of Sci in Education Williamsport MD
Alissa Geyer Bachelor of Science Reading PA
Ashley Gladfelter Bachelor of Arts Gettysburg PA
Kealey Glass Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Brittany Greaves Bachelor of Arts Carlisle PA
Dylan Groshens Bachelor of Science Carlisle PA
Emily Hangen Bachelor of Sci in Education Reading PA
Mary Hardy Bachelor of Social Work Middletown PA
Delilah Harne Bachelor of Science Cavetown MD
Ashton Harryman Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Doris Hartung Bachelor of Science Magnolia DE
Samantha Harvey Bachelor of Arts Carlisle PA
Bailey Hendricks Bachelor of Sci in Education Solebury PA
Megan Herigan Bachelor of Social Work Dauphin PA
Taylor Hill Bachelor of Sci in Education Jonestown PA
Jeremiah Hillman Bachelor of Science Fairfield PA
Ryan Hippenstiel Bachelor of Science Danville PA
Sarah Hoffeditz Bachelor of Arts Mercersburg PA
John Holland Bachelor of Arts Reading PA
Leah Hutchinson Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin York PA
Benjamin Hyman Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Seven Valleys PA
Zackary Isenhour Bachelor of Science Halifax PA
Jared Jacobs Bachelor of Sci in Education South Williamsport PA
Alicia Jacoby Bachelor of Sci in Education McSherrystown PA
Hyeji Jang Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Chambersburg PA
Delaney Jean Bachelor of Sci in Education Williamsport PA
Drew Jones Bachelor of Arts Philadelphia PA
Emily Jones Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin West Chester PA
Bethany Jordan Bachelor of Sci in Education Hagerstown MD
Patrick Joyner Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Gambrills MD
Kaetlyn Kalbfell Bachelor of Sci in Education Allentown PA
Gregory Kambakis Bachelor of Science Blandon PA
Jacob Kaplan Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Lancaster PA
Alex Kapres Bachelor of Arts Mars PA
Jordan Keefer Bachelor of Arts McConnellsburg PA
Yohan Kim Bachelor of Sci in Education Mungyeong-si FR
Hunter Klein Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Whitehall PA
Olivia Kline Bachelor of Sci in Education Greencastle PA
Cameron Krasley Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Chester Springs PA
Tyler Kuhn Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Carlisle PA
Kevin Kymingham Bachelor of Science Glenwood MD
Kayla Lacey Bachelor of Sci in Education Hanover PA
Cindy Lacy Bachelor of Science Carlisle PA
Richard Landis Bachelor of Arts Chambersburg PA
Ryan Leid Bachelor of Science Stevens PA
Chandler Lewis Bachelor of Arts Harrisburg PA
Abigail Long Bachelor of Arts Mechanicsburg PA
Tristyn Lowe Bachelor of Science Chambersburg PA
John Lyons Bachelor of Arts Harrisburg PA
Michael Lysiak Bachelor of Sci in Education Chambersburg PA
Jena Macdonald Bachelor of Social Work Frederick MD
Kyla Madara Bachelor of Sci in Education Paxinos PA
Victoria Madrak Bachelor of Arts Enola PA
Gavin Malampy Bachelor of Arts Duryea PA
Corbin Martin Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Gambrills MD
Justin Mayersky Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Middletown PA
Shannon McConnell Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Shippensburg PA
Tara McConnell Bachelor of Sci in Education Greencastle PA
Kaevon McCurry Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Harrisburg PA
Shane McNally Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin East Norriton PA
Melinda McNamara Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Brandywine MD
Samuel Meade Bachelor of Arts Ephrata PA
Allison Melka Bachelor of Science Baltimore MD
Abigail Metcalfe Bachelor of Arts Big Cove Tann PA
Bella Michener Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Natalie Miller Bachelor of Arts Carlisle PA
Shaquille Mitchell Bachelor of Science Stroudsburg PA
Kathleen Montello Bachelor of Arts Chambersburg PA
Isaiah Murray Bachelor of Arts Philadelphia PA
Brycen Mussina Bachelor of Science Muncy PA
Cody Nelson Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Wellsville PA
Kentucky Nelson Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Dillsburg PA
Morgan Nonnemacher Bachelor of Science Carlisle PA
Ryan Nych Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Edward Odhiambo Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Chambersburg PA
Yuka Onya Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Bowie MD
Alideeq Osman Bachelor of Social Work Mechanicsburg PA
Mohamed Osman Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Mechanicsburg PA
Kelci Owings Bachelor of Science Harrisburg PA
Trey-Anthony Paul Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Harrisburg PA
Maggie Peiffer Bachelor of Science Waynesboro PA
Jared Pellegrino Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Shippensburg PA
Nicole Peploe Bachelor of Sci in Education Northampton PA
Dalton Peterson Bachelor of Science Mercersburg PA
Shannon Peterson Bachelor of Arts Mercersburg PA
Marissa Plows Bachelor of Sci in Education Nazareth PA
Elisabeth Points Bachelor of Science Springfield VA
Anna Potterfield Bachelor of Arts Clear Spring MD
Nicole Potts Bachelor of Arts Carlisle PA
Raelyn Predix Bachelor of Arts Enola PA
Claire Pursel Bachelor of Sci in Education Lenhartsville PA
Jocelyn Rainey Bachelor of Social Work Carlisle PA
Dynesty Rankins Bachelor of Science Harrisburg PA
Abigail Rapp Bachelor of Sci in Education Allentown PA
Anthony Rapposelli Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Levittown PA
Olivia Ream Bachelor of Social Work Champion PA
Amy Rehnert Bachelor of Science Bethlehem PA
Cateara Reid Bachelor of Social Work Philadelphia PA
Kierra Rice Bachelor of Arts Waynesboro PA
Kara Rickenbach Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Shippensburg PA
Jesse Riley Bachelor of Science Shippensburg PA
Allison Rippeon Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Shippensburg PA
Heather Ross Bachelor of Arts Fayetteville PA
Bryan Rottkamp Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Lititz PA
Cade Rush Bachelor of Science Carlisle PA
Joshua Russo Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Altoona PA
Kiara Sabur Bachelor of Arts Philadelphia PA
Alyson Sanchez Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Fuquay Varina NC
Nicholas Scaricaciottoli Bachelor of Science Greencastle PA
Jenna Scheller Bachelor of Sci in Education Effort PA
William Schul Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Gilbertsville PA
Katelyn Seip Bachelor of Sci in Education Nazareth PA
Lynsey Shank Bachelor of Social Work Waynesboro PA
Kirsten Sheeder Bachelor of Sci in Education Todd PA
Nathaniel Sheeder Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Orrstown PA
Hailey Shefler Bachelor of Science Harveys Lake PA
Cooper Shirey Bachelor of Science Mechanicsburg PA
Domenick Sleva Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Mc Kees Rocks PA
James Smetzer Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Jarod Smith Bachelor of Science York PA
Bryant Snyder Bachelor of Arts Reading PA
Samantha Sodora Bachelor of Sci in Education Dingmans Ferry PA
Amanda Sollenberger Bachelor of Social Work Chambersburg PA
Nicholas Sones Bachelor of Arts Mechanicsburg PA
Hamadou Souley Bachelor of Science Steelton PA
Melinda Spiro Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Warrington PA
Noah Steinfeldt Bachelor of Social Work Greencastle PA
Colby Stiffler Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Middletown PA
Sarah Strohm Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Courtney Sykes Bachelor of Sci in Education Huntingdon Valley PA
Samantha Szajnuk Bachelor of Arts Harrisburg PA
Nicholas Tarabrella Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Irwin PA
Meryem Tayoune Bachelor of Arts Harrisburg PA
Jackelin Tello Bachelor of Arts Philadelphia PA
Liam Tencza Bachelor of Arts Mechanicsburg PA
Zachary Thomas Bachelor of Sci in Education Lancaster PA
Cameron Tinner Bachelor of Sci in Education Shippensburg PA
Matthew Torbert Bachelor of Sci in Education Seaford DE
Gregory Tremblay Bachelor of Arts Carlisle PA
Brandin Trippeda Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Easton PA
Maria Troutman Bachelor of Arts Harrisburg PA
Veronica Tucci Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Brookhaven PA
Emily Vassallo Bachelor of Science Douglassville PA
Nicole Verkhov Bachelor of Science Downingtown PA
Pervez Virmani Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Carlisle PA
Charlotte Visconti Bachelor of Science Honesdale PA
Sierra Walker Bachelor of Science Chambursburg PA
Kayla Waterman Bachelor of Sci in Education Glen Allen VA
Shaelyn Wawro Bachelor of Science Warfordsburg PA
Allesyn Wesner Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Allentown PA
Alexander Whitsell Bachelor of Science Carlisle PA
Bradley Williams Bachelor of Science Pottsville PA
Jasmyn Williams Bachelor of Social Work Chambersburg PA
Zarria Williams Bachelor of Science Mount Laurel NJ
Rachel Willig Bachelor of Sci in Education Bethel Park PA
Jailah Wilson Bachelor of Arts Orange NJ
Josiah Wilson Bachelor of Arts Shippensburg PA
Kelly Wilson Bachelor of Sci in Education Newville PA
Megan Windall Bachelor of Science Poolesville MD
Alexis Wolfe Bachelor of Sci in Education Shippensburg PA
Taylor Woodward Bachelor of Sci in Education Three Springs PA
Deanna Yarrish Bachelor of Sci in Education Cochranville PA
Peter Younan Attia Bachelor of Sci in Bus Admin Lancaster PA
Tyler Youssef Bachelor of Science Allentown PA
Joshua Zacher Bachelor of Sci in Education Livingston NJ
Jordon Zeigler Bachelor of Science Willow Hill PA
Rae Ziegler Bachelor of Arts New Bloomfield PA
Riley Zimmerman Bachelor of Sci in Education Harrisburg PA

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