Communications and Marketing launches new project request system

University Communications and Marketing has launched a new office website and project request system. The goal is to make the full range of creative communications available to all members of the university community. Each project request will be reviewed by the office’s strategic content manager and director and will be assigned an integrated project lead.

This new process will help ensure that projects enter production as integrated components of the multi-channel digital efforts of the office including recruitment touch points, media outlets, and its subdomains, official and affiliate social media channels, and the constellation of digital tools such as D2L, myShip, Slate and others.

With a focus on excellent customer service and professional project management, each project will be grounded in information sharing and establishing realistic deadlines for high impact projects that support the strategic plan and elevate Ship’s perception in the marketplace.

Additionally, the office has worked with internal stakeholders to develop a one-stop-shop for all externally facing news and media publications. The “News and Media” resource is linked directly in the footer of