Senior Brianna Webb checks out fashion show, excited for Career Week

Story written by senior communication, journalism and media major Brianna Webb. 

As a student at Shippensburg University, I am very proud of the Career Center Fashion Show that was created to kick off Career Week. I have never attended a career event before within the university and as a senior, this gave me the perfect opportunity to partake in the bridge between education and stepping into the business world.

Dressing has always been something I questioned when working in the professional world. I never know what to wear in certain settings. No one wants to be too dressed up or too casual. The Career Center gave a perfect explanation during their fashion show of the difference between outfits pertaining to casual, business casual, business professional, and even formal for business events. It helped me have a grasp on what type of job setting I would be looking for in the future as well as the personality of the team I would like to work with. It made me think a lot about presentation and how I want to present myself at work as well as through my work.

The fashion show was filled with students and faculty trying on different outfits to show students the importance of how dressing professionally can make a difference during the interview process of your job. Each outfit had a different color and a different style. For example, they had pant suits for women in case they didn’t want to wear skirts or dresses. I personally dislike wearing dresses or skirts for work so being able to see an alternative made me extremely interested.

The overall presentation of the fashion show was amazing. The lighting and the music matched the energy of the room perfectly. The turnout for students was impressive as well. I believe a lot of students don’t begin to focus too much on the business world until they reach senior year. At that time, students who plan to graduate begin to search for help and ideas for their next big move into the professional world. The Career Center gives students amazing opportunities to get a head start on how to write a resume, cover and follow up letters, job applications and so much more while helping prepare students for life after college. I am highly interested to see what the rest of Career Week will teach me and others about stepping into the business world.

Check out a full listing of events and the line up for Career Week at: