Message from the President: Update to masking policy

Dear Campus Community,

Upon recommendation of the University COVID Team, effective 8:00 a.m. on Friday, April 1, 2022, Shippensburg University will no longer require the use of facemasks inside campus classrooms.

Masking is still required:

  • As requested, when entering a faculty or staff office.
  • When visiting Etter Health Center.
  • When visiting a COVID-19 testing center.
  • While riding on public transportation, including all Capital Area Transit (CAT) buses.

As members of the campus community, please respect the masking preferences of your fellow Raiders. Individuals, including those at-risk for severe illness, may choose to continue masking based on their personal preference and comfort level. Individuals who are sick should mask and seek immediate testing. In the event the community level changes, or if there is an increase in positive cases on campus, indoor masking requirements may be reinstated.

Please visit the Raider Respect webpage or contact the COVID Office at (717)477-1007, or by e-mail at, for more information.

Dr. Charles E. Patterson

Interim President