Message from Presidential Search Committee: Open forum invitation

Dear SU faculty, students, and staff:

The Shippensburg University Presidential Search Committee has been meeting since December 2021 on the important work of identifying the next University President. Recently, the committee decided to move Interim President Dr. Charles Patterson forward as the single candidate to participate in on-campus interviews on Monday, April 18, 2022.

This is your invitation to participate in an open forum based on your position with the university.

Please visit the Shippensburg University – Presidential Search webpage to view the schedule, meeting details, and Dr. Patterson’s CV. I ask that you attend the forum appropriate for you, if possible.

There will be an anonymous online survey, hosted by the search consultant RPS Inc., available beginning the afternoon of April 18 that will remain active until 11:00 AM on Wednesday, April 20 to collect feedback for use by the Search Committee.


Doug Harbach

Chair, Presidential Search Committee and Trustee member