Alecedys Clarke Presents Research at PCA Conference

Alecedys (Cedy) Clarke Cedy Clarke, a graduate student in the counseling program at Ship, presented research at 56th Annual Pennsylvania Counseling Association (PCA) Conference. Her presentation, Cultural Responsiveness in Supervision: Fostering Counselor Identity Development, explained the importance of discussing multicultural issues within counseling supervision.  Clarke presented her research alongside her supervisor, Christopher Cooper, a doctoral…

Sahli and biology students present research at 2024 Botany Conference

In June 2024, the Botanical Society of America hosted the National Botany Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Attendees learned more about a variety of research topics, including endangered species conservation, plant adaptation and environmental stressors.  Heather Sahli, faculty member in the biology department, presented her ongoing research on the Pennsylvania endangered dwarf iris, Iris verna.…

Joseph D’Ambrosio’s dedication to government advocacy

Joseph D'Ambrosio, a political science major at Shippensburg University, is dedicated to government advocacy and has a bright future ahead. He interns at the PA Municipality League, is a member of the honors college, president of the political science club and is on track to earn his masters in public administration.