Anne Rathgeb & Emily Fenwick: representing excellence within exercise science

In the Exercise Science Department at Ship, students worked hard on their end-of-semester research projects. These students included junior Anne Rathgeb and senior Emily Fenwick.

Rathgeb and Fenwick’s research project focused on evaluating the fitness levels and health of individuals through a series of comprehensive tests. They utilized Megan Silverstrim, Ship’s director of Communications and Marketing as a test subject. Silverstrim conducted various assessments, including cardio evaluations using the YMCA bike protocol, flexibility tests using a goniometer and muscular strength tests through 10 rep max assessments. These tests, along with pre-screening health evaluations, gave insights into Silverstrim’s fitness and health. The results are currently being used to customize a four-week fitness program to enhance her well-being.

Anne Rathgeb and Emily Fenwick demonstrating a strength test and the YMCA bike protocol.

Rathgeb and Fenwick expressed their gratitude towards Ship’s exercise science program. The program emphasizes practical application and has equipped them with the skills necessary to excel in their field, preparing them for well beyond their time in undergrad.

Rathgeb stated that “The program is so hands-on. Every single class that I’ve taken in the department has had a lab or lab components within the class which I think makes it so much more applicable to the content that we’re learning. Every lab we do is based on the information we’re learning in class.”

Fenwick noted that “the professors that we have really highlight the importance of the patient’s safety and taking care of them, they do a really good job at preparing us for certain protocols and different situations that we will be in real life.”

Rathgeb and Fenwick both have bright futures ahead of them. Rathgeb is set to graduate next year and is preparing for a physical therapy summer and fall internship. Graduation is drawing near for Fenwick, and she plans to pursue a graduate degree in nursing.

Outside of their academic pursuits, Rathgeb and Fenwick are active in their campus community. They are on the university’s lacrosse team and are a part of several student organizations including Tau Kappa (TK) an athletic honors society for student-athletes, the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee and the Exercise Science Club. Fenwick is also a member of Raiders L.E.A.D.

Rathgeb and Fenwick are both well-rounded students who serve as exemplary excellence at Ship. Their extensive end-of-the-semester research project and the hands-on experience that they have gained through their time in the exercise science program serves as a testament to how informative and immersive the program is for students. In addition, their involvement in student-led organizations offered by Ship only further adds to their leadership abilities and success in their future endeavors.